Architecture Design Studio II
2020 theme:
Interface | Body - Material - Environment
This course comprises three short assignments set by three architects, each with their own unique design approach. In 2020, the unifying theme is “Interface.” Each of the assignments will address issues of climate, connectivity, and construction. We would like students to consider the relationships and the interfaces between the human body, construction materials, and methods of assembly, as well as with the environment and the natural world. These design exercises are intended as a means of developing prototypes for future architecture.
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Architecture Design Studio II
2020 theme:
Interface | Body - Material - Environment
This course comprises three short assignments set by three architects, each with their own unique design approach. In 2020, the unifying theme is “Interface.” Each of the assignments will address issues of climate, connectivity, and construction. We would like students to consider the relationships and the interfaces between the human body, construction materials, and methods of assembly, as well as with the environment and the natural world. These design exercises are intended as a means of developing prototypes for future architecture.
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